What is the current status of the Aviation Industry?
By Mark A. Gardner
Our industry is vital to the prosperity of the economy of the United States of America. In 2009, the bad guys stole our economy and hijacked the future of our children. The price of our corporate jets has dropped on average about 47%. This drop is good news and, bad news; If, you are fortunate enough to have cash available it's a great time to buy an aircraft. An investment now, could pay off handsomely in 2 to 3 years when the economy makes a modest recovery.
Aviation is always cyclical, in the 37 years I have been flying, you can depend on one thing, "What goes up, must come down."
This cycle can be predicted to some degree. For those of us who have been thru this, we know patience is a virtue. We also know that to stick with aviation you need to have a titanium skull.
Are you hard headed? If, you are a Professional Pilot, then we know you are, at the very least, very persistent.
So, I ask you now:
What is the current status of Aviation?
Are we headed up or, are we free falling into the abyss?